Upcoming Prayer Meeting Schedule…and Please Tell Me How I Can Help You! :)

Dear Friends,

I pray you are having a blessed week! I’ve been so encouraged to meet some of you these past couple of weeks at the Zoom prayer meetings, and I am thankful that God has shown up mightily with words of wisdom, encouragement, healing and blessing!

The next evening prayer meeting will be a week from this Thursday, on October 27th, at 5 PM PT, 6 PM MT, 7 PM CT and 8 PM ET. Notice I have scheduled this meeting for an hour earlier per the requests those of you who are on the East Coast and may need to go to bed earlier. I will most likely continue to host the meetings twice a month on Thursday nights, as well as Wednesday during the day once a month (for those of you who are in the UK or cannot make the evening meetings).

I’m still working on a final schedule but most likely the evening prayer group meetings will take place on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month (except Thanksgiving weekend) and the afternoon prayer group will take place on the first Wednesday of the month at 12 PM PT, 1 PM MT, 2 PM CT, 3 PM ET and 8 PM London time (for those of you in the UK!). So the first daytime meeting will be on November 3, 2021. I may update the above schedule over time but for now I hope to be able to keep it as is.

Speaking of healing – I am currently putting together a 12-week group coaching program that will address healing on all three levels: spirit, soul and body – it will be tailored to those of you who have suffered from Lyme/mold/environmental illness, although the concepts are relevant for all diseases/soul wounds. I am also developing a 12-week program to address more in-depth each aspect of healing: spiritual, emotional/mental and physical. So you could sign up for one, two or all three!

In the meantime, if you are interested in the programs, you can help me by sending me a message to let me know what aspects of wellness you feel that you need the MOST help with! This will assist me in the final development of the programs. Feel free to mention as many of the topics as are listed below, as well as any others.

(note: many aspects of all of the following categories are intertwined, but especially spiritual, mental and emotional healing)

A). Spiritual healing/growth, which includes such things as:

Developing a deeper relationship with God, learning to live in His Word and His promises for your life; discovering your purpose in the Kingdom of Heaven, how to receive divine healing.

B). Mental/emotional healing, which includes:

Mind renewal according to God’s Word; brain retraining, forgiveness, removing bitter root judgments/vows, guided prayer for trauma and soul wounds, breaking free of demonic strongholds, boundaries in relationships.

C). Physical healing, which includes:

Lifestyle tools and strategies for healing; nutrition, supplements, lowering inflammation, supporting the organs/systems, navigating treatment options, detoxification, natural and medicinal solutions for common environmental illness symptoms.

Thank you for your comments! I look forward to implementing this program in the coming months. In the meantime, if you need more help in your healing journey, please feel free to reach out to me for a one on one consultation, or join the prayer meetings.

As I have time, I will also be doing FREE teachings on Zoom occasionally on the above (and other) topics. If there is a topic you’d like to learn more about, please send me a message! Note: I have limited “bandwidth” and time at the moment, and may be unable to respond personally to all of your messages, but please know that I read all of them and take them into account!

Finally – if you have read my recent memoir, Encounters with My Beloved in Heaven and the book blessed you, I would be super grateful if you would consider writing a review on Amazon (it doesn’t need to be long, just a paragraph or two!). Reviews help others to decide whether the book would benefit and bless them too and it helps me to get the word out there! 🙂. Writing a review is easy. Simply go to the book’s page link above, scroll down to “Customer Reviews” on the left hand side and then click on “write a review.” Thank you so very much!

I look forward to connecting with you all again soon!
Many blessings,
