A Better Bug-Whacking Strategy

Two common challenges in treating chronic Lyme disease are getting anti-microbial treatments into hard-to-reach areas of the body and breaking down biofilm, the polysaccharide matrix that bugs cloak themselves in to protect themselves from antibiotics and other treatments.

Recently, I have been ingesting a cocktail that is designed to address these challenges. It involves mixing a tablespoon of PhosChol (phosphatidyl choline) powder with Boluoke (a biofilm busting enzyme product), with just enough grapefruit juice to make a paste. Then I add anti-microbial herbs, including artemisia, Nutramedix’ samento and noni, and Dr. White’s potent A-L complex, which contains fourteen different herbs, some of which are designed to attack active, as well as cystic, forms of Borrelia. The Phos Chol helps to shuttle the herbs into the cells, as the Boluoke breaks down their biofilm.

I think the treatment must work, because I am experiencing symptoms that I haven’t had in a long time (even a couple that I have never had!) and which are indicative of a Herxheimer reaction.

I have done many treatments over the past five years, and while I believe that most of them have been effective for targeting active forms of Borrelia and co-infections, few have been helpful for getting at the cysts in hard-to-reach areas of the body. Rife machines, the salt/C protocol, Buhner’s herbs (by themselves), MMS, and most antibiotics, are among those treatments. Yet it is important to attack the cysts as well, since evidence is proving that they cause symptoms in the body, just as the active forms of Borrelia do.

Bioenergetic testing reveals that I currently don’t have any active forms of Borrelia in my body, and this is consistent with my experience with different treatments. I don’t react strongly to most anti-microbial remedies; in fact, the only anti-microbials that I seem to experience a Herx reaction to now are the cyst-busting drugs–but boy, is that reaction ever strong!

Many have asked me about my improvements with the Bionic 880. While I believe that this machine is effective for getting rid of active forms of Borrelia, I am not convinced about its effectiveness for treating certain co-infections and cystic forms of Borrelia. It may be that I haven’t found the proper homeopathic nosodes for treating Babesia, for instance (since nosodes are used in conjunction with the machine) but in any case, a year of therapy with the Bionic has showed me that, while powerful, it may be inadequate for getting rid of all forms of the organism. This is just a personal observation; it isn’t based on science so please discover for yourself whether this is true.

Also, while I have taken cyst-busting drugs like Flagyl and Tindamax, both have caused me to suffer from unacceptable side effects such as peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage) and excessively elevated liver enzymes. These are probably the most potent cyst busters known within the Lyme disease community, to be sure, and are probably necessary for most. Yet those with serious detoxification problems or who develop neuropathy as a result of their use may not be able to take them continuously. The fact that Dr. White’s A-L complex may address cysts is great news for such people. How well the above combination attacks my own dormant critters remains to be seen, but I am cautiously optimistic about its potential.

So stay tuned for an update on my progress with the new paste! Keep in mind, whatever strategy you use to heal from Lyme disease, it is important to take into consideration not only all forms of the organism, but also the fact that additional remedies may be required to address biofilm and to get the anti-microbials into difficult areas of the body, such as the brain.