Thanks to The Prayer Warriors!

I just want to thank everyone who participated in the conference call prayer group tonight. We prayed for over 100 people (as well as for the Lyme community in general) and I believe that God is going to be responding to these prayers!

Tonight, before the prayer, I cried, not knowing why. I now think that it was God’s Spirit, crying through me because the hardship that those with Lyme suffer breaks His heart. But I also felt His joy at the group that came together tonight to bring “Heaven to Earth.”

My intention is to do this conference call every two weeks, and I may do it more or less often as my schedule permits. For now, if you are interested in participating in the prayer, please add the following dates to your calendar:

June 23rd, July 7th, July 21st, August 4th, and August 18th.

The meetings are all on Wednesday, at 6 PM Pacific Time, 7 PM Mtn Time, 8 PM Central Time, and 9 PM EST.

The call-in number is: 712-432-0075
and the “entry” code is: 879949.

I encourage you to join and pray along silently as I lead prayer for those with Lyme disease. I believe that God is going to do great things with this time!

Finally, if you participated in tonight’s meeting, or your name was submitted for a prayer request at this meeting, and you notice positive changes in your life as a result of the prayer–a decrease in your symptoms, financial provision, emotional strength, comfort or otherwise, please leave a comment below! This will serve as a testimony of God’s love and power to others who are considering prayer.
Thank you!