Blog Tweaking….And Prayer Conference Call Tomorrow !

Some of you read this blog for medical information. Some of you read it because you appreciate my posts on God and spirituality. Yet others enjoy reading both types of posts. For those that don’t, I will be establishing a blog template (or perhaps even two separate blogs) to separate the medical posts from the spiritual ones. This is so that people who prefer to read one type of post over the other don’t have to wade through unnecessary information to find what they want. I haven’t had time yet to figure out the best way to accomplish this, so thank you for your patience as I work on putting together a parallel post template!


For those of you who are interested in participating in this week’s prayer conference call, we will be praying again for those with Lyme and other illnesses, at 6 PM PST, 7 PM MST, 8 PM CST, and 9 PM EST. The dial-in number is: 712-432-0075. You will be asked to enter an access code, which is: 879949. At that point, just wait on the line until the prayer begins.

If you fear praying as part of a large group, don’t worry! I am the only one who speaks aloud during the prayer, but my hope is for everyone else involved to pray along silently with me (there are too many people for everyone to pray aloud, although I try to make time at the end of the hour for others to share anything that God has put on their hearts).

The last prayer conference call lasted approximately one hour. If you can’t make it on time, feel free to join in later as I have discovered a way to allow people to call in without it disrupting the prayer.

Last time, we prayed for over 100 people, and this week, we will pray for those same people again as well as for any others who email me with a request to be put on the list. My email is: I will repeat the specific prayer requests that were made last week, but following this prayer session, I would like to request that you only send me a specific prayer request if it doesn’t cover one of the below topics (as I say a general prayer for everyone for these):

**Lyme disease and co-infections
**Healing for damage that Lyme has done to the systems/tissues/organs of the body
**Haling for relationships
**Financial provision
**The the truth about Lyme would be made known to the world!
**Discernment and guidance for treatments
**To be able to trust God and receive His healing and other gifts
**To know Him and His love on a deeper level

I do want to receive your prayer requests if they aren’t covered by one of the above topics, however!

I spent this past weekend at Bethel Church in Redding, California, where I learned more about how to pray for the sick and received more of God’s healing so that I can be a more effective prayer minister. I hope to impart what I have learned to you all, and hope to “see” you tomorrow!