The liver really gets kicked around in Lyme disease. Besides having to detoxify borrelia surface protein sludge, it has to contend with scarce resources to do its job and is often lacking in nutrients, due to inefficient metabolic processes induced by Lyme.
If you are actively treating your Lyme disease, your liver deserves a little support. It’s the least you could do for it, really, since it bears the brunt of the body’s detoxification processes, and if you want to heal faster, you’ll give it a little TLC.
In previous posts, I have discussed different approaches for supporting the liver; through coffee enemas, the use of nutrients such as glutathione and herbs such as milk thistle, as well as castor oil liver packs, lemon juice, and lots of vegetables, especially beets.
If you have a little more dough, or your liver doesn’t respond to simple approaches to caring for it, you might try something a little more intensive, such as BioRay’s Liver Life product. (For more info., visit:
This herbal tincture contains the following ingredients, each of which supports the liver in a unique way. (Note: The following explanations are not comprehensive, and should be taken as general information about Liver Life. For a more complete explanation of its properties, visit Bioray’s website).
Himmematsutake (Agaricus Blazei). (I know, try to say that “H” word with your mouth full of food). This medicinal mushroom modulates the immune system and filters the blood by engulfing and destroying microbes and dead tissue, leaving the liver with less work to do in its job of cleansing the blood.
Red Root. Like Agaricus Blazei, this herb also assists in the removal of toxins from the blood. It improves blood circulation and helps to decongest and transport lymph fluids. Herbalist H. Buhner advocates red root for Lyme disease sufferers specifically for the latter purpose. Red root is also anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory.
Milk thistle Seeds. Perhaps the most famous liver herb, milk thistle decongests the liver, prevents the penetration of liver toxins into the interior of its cells, and protects against free radical damage. It also prevents the depletion of glutathione, a key player in the liver’s detox processes. If you could choose only one herb to support the liver, milk thistle should perhaps be it.
Olive Leaf. In addition to being a potent antimicrobial, especially anti-viral, olive leaf supports the liver by tonifying it and increasing the flow of bile.
Coriolus Versicolor. This mushroom stimulates certain cell functions of macrophages (immune cells that engulf pathogens), enhances NK (natural killer cell) activity, and and contains other powerful antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi). You’ve probably heard of this one. This mushroom modulates the immune system, enhances NK activity (important, as NK function tends to be depressed in Lyme sufferers), and has numerous anti-microbial and anti-oxidant properties. Clean up the body, strengthen the immune, and you support the liver!
Grifola (Maitake), contains beta-glucan called D-fraction which protects liver tissue from environmental toxins, inhibits the accumulation of liver lipids and the elevation of serum lipids, activates macrophages and aids the body in adapting to emotional and physical stress.
What’s more, the ingredients in Liver Life help to drain acids from the body, promoting a more balanced PH and overall metabolism, which in turn supports liver function.