When I became sick as a result of Lyme disease and its most common co-infections; bartonella, babesia, and ehrlichia–I wanted a book that would address in-depth ALL of these infections. I could not find one. So when Dr. James Schaller released a book on Babesia, I was elated. Finally, a physician had published information on an epidemic infection that remains virtually unknown in medicine. This book helped me tremendously to understand what I needed to do to treat my Babesia.
Now, Dr. Schaller has done it again with Bartonella, in his new book, “Bartonella: Diagnosis and Treatment.” Bartonella is perhaps an even less understood infection, than Babesia, but is also an epidemic in the United States and extremely dangerous if left untreated. I am awestruck by the fact that Dr. Schaller has been the ONLY physician to write an up-to-date book on these widespread, pernicious infections, but I am grateful that he has done so! I can only imagine how his work is going to help many to overcome these oft-misdiagnosed, but important infections.
What I really appreciate about Dr. Schaller’s books, in addition to the plethora of information found therein, is that he writes in an easy-to-understand language, and uses drawings and photos to illustrate his points. This book is no exception. When it comes to trying to understand how bartonella affects the body, or what a bartonella rash looks like, photos are an extremely helpful aid, and especially for the really sick who have trouble assimilating information via lengthy explanations.
I am well-read in the areas of Lyme disease and its co-infections, and yet by reading this book I realized how much still I didn’t know, including the lesser-known ways in which Bartonella is transmitted–how it can be identified, and finally, treated. Cutting-edge solutions that have been published nowhere else are presented, providing the reader with new weapons against an infection that is notoriously difficult to treat. Whether or not you have Bartonella, I would recommend reading this book, because, chances are, someone you know has the infection; they just don’t know it yet. Also, it is vital to know how to avoid contracting the infection, since it is so deceptively easy to catch.
Finally, Dr. Schaller always manages to inject a bit of humor into his books, and this one is no exception. It makes his work interesting to read, and gives the reader hope. As Dr. Schaller’s other books, I highly recommend this one for an enlightening glimpse into the world of tick and other insect-borne infections.