Do You Really Want To Be Well?

Have you ever met a Lyme disease sufferer who changes his Lyme disease treatments about as often as his whities? (I know, don’t tell me, your best friend has never seen a washing machine in his life). Or who makes all kinds of excuses about why he can’t afford to treat his disease? Or what about your friend who complains about how horrible her home life is, but “can’t” do anything to change it? Do you ever wonder if they, on a subconscious level, don’t want to heal? Is this you?

Before you sling tomatoes at my cyber face, let me explain something. I believe that some people really, truly cannot afford to pay for Lyme disease treatments. I agree that changing protocol is often necessary to kill bugs. I realize that being disabled, as well as other factors, preclude the sick from changing their stressful home life situations.

But sometimes, there’s more to our difficulties than meets the eye. When we change our regimen often, declaring that the previous treatment “didn’t work,” are we subconsciously sabotaging our healing, because something scares us about being well? Or maybe, we don’t change our treatment plan at all, and instead spend year after year ingesting the same ol’ antibiotics, even though they aren’t really healing us, for the same reason? Do we stay in abusive relationships, telling ourselves it doesn’t matter that our spouse screams at us daily, because deep down, we feel we don’t deserve to be well? Do we become victims and decide that because we are too sick to work, then financially, we are doomed and therefore there’s no point in trying to pay for Lyme disease teatments? Is this really more a subconscious arrangement of the mind to avoid wellness?

On a conscious level, nobody wants to be sick. Of course not. But the subconscious is another story. Wily, subtle and powerful…and often terribly brainwashed by harmful beliefs, the subconscious mind is capable of fooling the conscious into making decisions that, unbeknownst to us, are the result of quiet, harmful motivations. Do you know what I mean?

I happen to think that these beliefs can be heavily disguised, so much that if you were to ask yourself, or your friend, if he felt he was sabotaging his finances or his health by the decisions he makes on a day-to-day basis, he’d probably say No. He is hardworking, honest and the kind of person who wants to make the most out of his life. He wants to live every day to its fullest and so how can it be possible that he wouldn’t want to heal? Because his conscious and subconscious mind are in conflict, and most often, it’s the subconscious that wears the pants in brain relationships and which drives most decisions.

So how can you, or your friend, know when it’s time to change treatments? How can he be persuaded that perhaps, it’s not just a matter of being broke, but of believing that he can receive provision if he really desires to be well?

Sometimes, it’s not about circumstances, but a mindset. The one who wants to heal will give new Lyme disease treatments a chance and not stop them after a month or two, knowing that healing takes time and that stellar changes aren’t always observed right away. The healthy mind will use sound analysis. The self-sabotaging mind will make decisions based on fear.

The soul who wants to be well will consider the impact of unhealthy relationships upon her health, and strive to change them, no matter how insurmountable the obstacles seem. She will find a way out. The one who, for whatever subconscious motivation, cannot accept the idea of a full recovery, will lament the relationships and, yes, you guessed it, complain and make excuses for not leaving or changing her life’s situations.

Cannot or will not?
Yes, sometimes Lyme disease paralyzes our options in life. We feel as though truly, we don’t have choices; that we have done everything possible to try to beat this disease, but it conspires against us to wreck our lives. It’s not our fault we can’t get better, that others mistreat us, and that we don’t have money to pay for treatments! Yes, but…could we heal, engage in prosperous relationships and find the money to pay for therapies if we had a fierce talk with our subconscious? What if we simply decided to challenge our thought processes every time things went awry, asking ourselves if an underlying harmful belief is really responsible for the fact that we don’t have any money and that every Lyme disease treatment we try fails?

Getting to the motivations of the subconscious mind can be a daunting task. We can be so far out of touch with what we believe, deep down, or simply not recognize how beliefs manifest themselves in destructive behaviors. Keep in mind, it’s often not the big decisions that are revealing, but the little ones. Repeatedly forgetting to change the toilet roll, for example, can be a sign of self-sabotage, as can never cheating on your diet or always cheating on your diet and finding reasons why your current regimen, though only two weeks old, isn’t working.

Just think about it. If some aspect of your life isn’t going well, try taking a dive below the surface, to discover whether there’s more to your failure than meets the eye. And if so, then find ways to challenge your beliefs, so that you can challenge the subtle decisions that conspire to keep you mired in illness.