Are My Bugs Taking Advantage of Me?

I’m house-sitting out here on the fringes of the rainforest in La Virgen de Sarapiqui, Costa Rica.
As the place I’m staying at has open spaces between the walls and the roof and only bars, not screens, to cover the windows, I tend to get the whole rainforest inside the house at night.

Every few days or so, I learn about the existence of a new type of critter. When they are big, such as the six-inch green walking stick I once had hanging from my mosquito net, I’m taken a little by surprise. Sometimes, I want to ask them, “Okay, you have ten feet, a fat head, and you fly. What in the heck ARE you, anyway? Well, as long as you don’t sting, scratch or bite, then you can share this place with me.”

I actually feel sorry for some of the little critters that I’ve ended up sweeping out the front door. They got stuck in a house they probably didn’t want to be in and simply died when they couldn’t make it any longer on the tiled floor. Poor things. (And except for the mosquitoes, they didn’t harm me, either). Then I think about the creeping, swimming, spiraled bugs inside of my body and my compassion dissolves. What makes these bugs think that they have a right to my body? To chew up my organs and tissues and cause all kinds of biochemical messes, when they probably belong out in a forest someplace. Or no place (especially if, like borrelia, they are the result of a biochemical warfare experiment, as some surmise).

But perhaps it’s my fault for allowing the bugs to come inside of my house in the first place. Just as I could have chosen to chase the crawling-flying-slithering things out of my house here in Costa Rica, (but didn’t because they were innocuous) I wonder if I should have tried harder, with more insistence, to “chase” borrelia and the other infections out of my body when I learned of their arrival. Could I have, can I still, by the power of my mind, refuse them entry into the temple that is my body?

Interestingly, many folks who suffer from chronic illness also have boundary problems. If you are one of these, you might not be able to say “no” to other people, instead allowing them to walk all over you. Research has shown that people with such a mentality likewise leave out the welcome mat for pathogens, giving them the same right to take advantage of them. It isn’t a conscious decision; of course not, nobody wants bugs in their brains! But a person who lives expecting the world to use and abuse and suck the life out of them, will subconsciously create circumstances that allow this to happen.

What am I saying? Inadvertantly, we may be allowing the critters to live in us. And until we decide that we are worthy of health and that we will not allow parasites or other people to “feed off of us”, then the bugs may continue to thrive in our bodies.

Of course, this scenario isn’t likely to be the case for everyone, or even a vast majority. It can, however, play a role in some people’s healing, and hence, countering harmful beliefs and thought patterns that allow pathogens and the world to take advantage of us, may better enable us to fight Lyme disease.