Hypercoagulation is a favorite tactic of Bb and Company for ensuring that cells don’t receive the nutrients they need for proper functioning. Many Lyme disease sufferers are unaware that they have this sometimes dangerous condition, whereby the blood becomes too thick as a result of fibrin being deposited in small blood vessels, and which results in reduced blood flow to capillaries so that fewer nutrients make it to the body’s tissues. Fibrin is normally produced in the last stages of the blood clotting process but in folks with CFS, Fibromyalgia and Lyme, the production process goes haywire.
Bugs use this strategy to not only ensure that nutrients don’t make it to the body but also to protect themselves from antibiotics and other anti-bug warfare, as fibrin serves as a nice, cozy fortress for them to hide from Lyme treatments.
Traditional medicine treats this condition with heparin, but who wants to inject a needle into their gut twice a day and get blood tests drawn every week? Some natural products, like Nattokinase and Rechts-Regulat are likewise effective for combatting the problem, but can be costly.
Other natural remedies, such as Vitamin E and Omega 3 fatty acids, can aid in thinning the blood when heparin and other products become inconvenient or cost-prohibitive. Ironically, an imbalance in Omega 3-6 fatty acids, when too many Omega 6’s are present in the diet, fosters blood clotting. By ensuring a 1-3 ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fatty acids, the body will better balance the blood clotting factor. Most people get too much Omega 6 in their diets, so adding an Omega 3 supplement may be beneficial.
Finally, if you are a victim of Bb’s blood-thickening plot, it’s important to get treated for hypercoagulation, not only so your poor organs get the nutrients they need, but because thick blood brings other agony to the body, including your heart having to work harder to pump blood.