Chocolate Cookies For Lymies

No, they’re not exactly like the real thing, but these cookies are pretty darned tasty!

Makes 18-24 cookies
Carbs: 2.6 grams per cookie

Ingredients: 1 cup hemp seeds (order from Canada, you can get larger qtys. for better price)
3/4 egg protein powder (Vitol works best as it has a distinct flavor to it. I have
found that with other powders you taste too much egg in the cookie!)
1 tsp. non-corn organic baking soda
1/2 tsp. vitamin c crystals
1/4 tsp. sea salt
1/3 cup organic unsweetened cocoa
1/4 cup filtered water
2 tbsp. coconut butter, melted
1 tsp dry stevia or 1/4 cup vegetable glycerin
2 tsp pure vanilla

1) Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease 2 baking sheets with coconut butter.

2) Whisk together dry ingredients.

3) Melt coconut butter, combine with water, stevia (or glycerin) and vanilla

4) Make a well in the center of dry ingredients. Pour liquids into well and stir until batter is well mixed.

5) Oil hands. Roll dough into 1-inch balls and place on cookie sheet. Flatten each cookie with a fork. Bake 10-12 minutes. Cool on wire rack.

**You can also do a recipe adding fruit-juice sweetened chocolate chip cookies, which I personally favor!

Source: The Patient’s Detoxx Box (J. Foster, MD, P. C.Kane, PhD, N. Speight, MD)