The Lyme Co-Infections Game Continues to Get Complicated

I’ve noticed that people tend to think in terms of nice, neat little boxes when it comes to discerning and treating Lyme disease infections. The assortment of potential infections appears to be clear-cut and limited to only a small handful that we can definitively test for; for example, borrelia, babesia, ehrlichia, bartonella and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. And only one or two species of each can be tested for by conventional methods and hence, discussions and treatment of Lyme co-infections tend to revolve exclusively around these one or two species.

The research-savvy folks, however, know that there’s more to tick-borne infections than just this little group of bugs. They know that some tick-borne pathogens interbreed to form new bugs with biofilms and a completely new set of genes, although tests to detect, and treatments to eradicate, these new bugs remain mostly unknown. The information-diggers also know that many species of the most commonly known co-infections exist, but that little is known about these infections in humans, due to the limits of blood testing.

Suppose that these species ARE prevalent in humans, though. Would the ten or twenty relatively unknown species of babesia, for example, respond to treatment in the same manner as the known species of babesia microti and babesia duncani? Maybe, or maybe not. Babesia duncani often doesn’t respond to two years of treatment with Mepron (the most commonly prescribed medication for this infection), while babesia microti is generally more susceptible to its effects. So in this case, it pays to know which organism you are dealing with. And what about the other babesia species?

Energetic testing, fortunately, can sometimes reveal whether other species of pathogens are present in the body, when blood tests fail to do so. For instance, a couple of years ago, I tested positive to five strains of babesia on an Asyra scan. Like all testing methods, the Asyra is limited in its ability to definitively detect the presence of infections, so I didn’t think much of my test results.

Further tests down the line, however, confirmed that babesia was a problem for me. Fry labs found the actual bug (which strain, I don’t know) in my body, which is about as definitive as it gets. And as one wise Lyme-literate doctor said to me, “If you test positive on the antigen test, the infection is prevalent in your body.” Why? Because antigen tests, which measure the presence of foreign proteins (bugs) in the body, are often inaccurate, too, because the particular sample of blood that is measured might not contain the pathogen. So if you get a sample that tests positive, chances are, the pathogen is everywhere in your blood.

But here’s the thing. Six months of 6,000 mg of artemisia, taken daily, didn’t get rid of my babesia. (Please don’t take this high of a dose unless instructed to by your physician)! It didn’t even faze the bug, as I had no Herxheimer reaction nor subsequent improvement as a result. An indication, perhaps, that I was instead dealing with babesia duncani, which is a “tougher” bug than microti? Or perhaps I had a different strain altogether?

Recently, I got my hands on the energetic blueprints for seven different types of babesia. Contained in liquid vials, these blueprints can be used to test for the presence of other babesia species. By placing the vials close to the body and using a testing device, such as the biotensor, to check for resonance between the body and the pathogen, the presence of that pathogen in the body can be determined.

In addition to using the biotensor, I was tested for babesia via two other energetic methods and discovered that in fact, my body harbors mulitple species of the organism. Now how in the bleep did that happen? I don’t know. You’d think I was rolling around in every forest from Kansas to New York, but perhaps these bugs are more prevalent in the general population than we know. Hence my concern over pigeonholing infections into just a few categories and species.

But maybe I need not be concerned. I mean, how many people walk around with three thousand infections in their bodies which are dormant or which aren’t ruffling the feathers of the immune system?

Looking at symptoms is therefore useful when attempting to confirm a diagnosis and in fact, most Lyme-literate doctors would say that clinical diagnosis should be primary. So in my case, while I am pretty functional these days, I still don’t feel like a spring chicken, which means that more treatment for babesia may be warranted.

I have been so far mostly pleased with the results of the Bionic 880 for the treatment of infections, and so will use this device for the treatment of babesia. Fortunately, it works well when combined with the corresponding energetic signature for specific infections. In my case, those are babesia duncani, babesia bovis, babesia motasi, babesia divergans, and babesia canis…Oh yeah, along with borrelia bisetti, a Colorado strain of borrelia. If you’ve never heard of these species before, don’t be alarmed! I hadn’t, either, until I discovered, a site that sells electromagnetic signature vials for a million and one pathogens.

I surmise that conventional treatment methods for babesia, such as Meprone and Malarone, along with artemisia, would probably eradicate at least some of the above-mentioned forms of babesia. So if you have babesia, or another infection, does it matter whether you know which strain you have?

My tentative guess would be that if your symptoms don’t improve with traditional treatments, then yes, maybe you need to go deeper to find out which cousin (or grandkid!) you are dealing with.

Treatment for Lyme and Company is further complicated by the fact that bugs aren’t primary in the overall symptom picture for everyone, so discerning whether symptoms are the result of a different bug, an endocrine defect or malfunctioning liver can be difficult.

When I first learned about biofilms and bugs that interbred, I thought, “You have got to be freakin’ kidding me…” There is no way we are going to be able to learn about all these species of organisms and effectively treat for them! But then I told myself that maybe it doesn’t matter, because healing from chronic illness involving Lyme is such a multi-layered, elusive affair that involves more than bugs and the biochemistry-it involves the spirit, mind and the effects of the environment in which we live. But again, sometimes knowing which critters you are up against can be helpful (as is the case with babesia duncani and babesia microti).

So I’ll let you know whether anything changes after I go after my five or six (or whatever it is!) species of babesia. I am curious to discover whether my newfound knowledge will make any difference in my overall symptom picture.